Thursday, April 5, 2012

I'm Melting!

Without even reading the caption within the picture, the idea behind it is very clear. WWF is trying to tell the viewers what is going on in the world in regards to global warming. While the world is not an ice cream cone, and we are not dripping into space as we grow warmer, there are consequences to the amount that the planet's temperature is increasing. We see the pictures of the polar bears who are stranded on icebergs, but we don't see many commercials that tackle the whole globe. This ad takes a unique approach at the subject at hand, and brings about the question-- what else will happen to the planet besides the animals who are losing their homes and dying?

The caption specifically targets the Kyoto Protocol, calling on the members to make the right decision in regards to this international concern. As they say, this is everyone's problem, and everyone needs to work to reduce the production of greenhouse gases. Despite the fact that we are taking steps to reduce our emissions, the world is also in a natural warming process at current.While it is good that we are doing our part to ensure that we reduce the amount that we help global warming, it is a global issue.

 I think that the advertisement does a really good job of swaying the people who see it. It is rather frightening to even see a picture of the planet melting, and so the image is able to evoke a strong emotional response. It also raises the question (at least for me), what will happen to the planet if we keep raising the temperature? According to the National Geographic documentary called "Six Degrees Can Change the World," even one degree Celsius difference can cause drastic chages in the weather patterns and climate zones around the world. This advertisement seems to pull in the same sort of idea, that if we keep letting this go on, and if people do not make the proper choices in regards to the Kyoto Protocol, the world will begin to melt (though not literally). It's a scary thought... any ideas?

1 comment:

  1. I can't really take this picture seriously, mostly because of the ice cream cone reference. But I do get the message. We need to do more to help the environment because it is a global issue that affects everyone.
